The Diary of John William Nelson

Goodbye, Old Boy

Nelson Diary Page 23September 30, 1918: The guns are still going and I have lost two of my old pals, Scheffler and Oliver. I am still going strong. Guess I’ll make it all right now. Been thru hell this past few days and I rather like it. Guess my teeth have rattled a little tho.

Oct. 2: Had a convoy of trucks up the line today and was attacked by German planes. Oh boy that sure made me think and wish for our old Chi. But they have not gotten me yet. Carried some one back to the 1st aid with his leg shot off. Well this must be where the war is. Lets go.

Oct. 3: Writing home. Vic Knison cleaning my pistol accidentally ? shot himself in the leg1 and sent to hospital. The big guns are still spitting fire and we are hauling up the old pills2 for them.

Oct. 4: Saw my old sidekick Bert Howard today. He was on his way up to the lines with his men. Said he would see me when he got back. Hope he gets back. Chas. Harmon went west today. Some Hun3 got another one of our men. That makes about ten and most all of them are the new men of the outfit.

Nelson Diary Page 24Oct. 21: Another air raid tonight and I have lost two of my old pals. See the moon is bright. Have been playing dominos all evening. Expect I will be up and at em again tomorrow. Hope I get back so I can beat the top kick at dominos.

Nov. 1: The old guns are still at it. Just a continual rumble. Paul Hansen, Bill Pope and some foreigner got theirs today. Wonder when I will get mine. Wish I had some chow mein now. Oh boy.

Nov. 3: Letter from home saying sister Ida passed away Oct. 10. Mother and sisters in bed with flu.4 Hope they pull thru.

Nov. 7: Had quite a celebration tonight. Fake rumors of peace. Some noise.

Nov. 8: Met my old friend Bert Howard for the last time. I was going up and he going back. Poor old Bert. He was struck by shrapnel and died in my arms, asking me to remember him to his mother and Ruth5. Sorry, Bert, dear old Bert, goodbye old boy, you were a good friend and soldier. Goodbye, old boy, Goodbye.
