The Diary of John William Nelson


Page 2 April 16, 1917:  War was declared ten days ago and today at 7 p.m. I enlisted in the 7th Ill. Inft. We are located in Chi 1 at 34th & Wentworth Av.  I have been assigned to Co. C. Capt. James Deneen in command.

Apr. 20:  Believe I am going to like the army.  I have been made Co. Clerk and expect to be promoted to Corporal.  We are recruiting and drilling, getting ready for the big fight.

June 1:  These entries are far apart, but it is the same thing day in and day out.  I am now a full fledged Corporal in Uncle Sam’s Army.  I have signed up enough rookies to kill the whole German Army.  They are not coming in so fast.

June 5:  Registration Day. But I am in, I don’t have to register.  A certain party was married this A.M. Why?

Page 3July 15:  Still in Chi. at the same old grind. Drill, Drill, Drill. Mighty proud of my nice new uniform. There are rumors that we will soon be heading for some southern camp.  I have been away from this book so long I forgot to enter the fact that I have had the signal honor of being on Teddie’s2 personal body guard and also that of Gen Joffre’s3 going as far as Springfield with him.

Aug. 2:  We were examined today by regular army officers and took the federal oath.  We are no longer members of the N. G.4 but full fledged regular army soldiers.  Rumors are flying fast. Have not the room or time to mention all of them.  But the one that seems to stick is that we will soon head South.

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Sept. 1:  Nothing of interest has happened.  We are still drilling and recruiting.

Sept. 20:  Official Orders.  We are soon to go to Houston Tex.  Camp Logan for our training.

Sept. 27:  Boarded trains today for Houston. The Top Kick5 and I are sharing a drawing room.

What a farewell the old town gave us. We could hardly walk down the Boul’Mich6 for the people.  At last we are on our way. Soon to be under canvas7.

Sept. 28:  Houston, Texas. We sure have been working today getting tents up. Hot, Oh Boy about 190 in the shade.  Tonight will be cool they tell us.

Sept. 29:  I’ll say it was cool, almost froze to death with only one blanket.

Page 5Sept. 30:  Promoted to mess sergeant today.  Getting up in the world. I have only 200 odd men to feed, each one with the appetite of a horse.

Oct. 15:  Regiment changed from an infantry to ammunition outfit. Personnel cut down to 141 men. I was made supply sergeant in the new organization.  Now my troubles begin. It is easy enough to feed 200 men, but when it comes to clothing 141 that’s something else again.  But here goes.

Nov. 1:  Nothing remarkable has happened. But today we are ordered to go to Englewood, Texas to guard some government property.  Just our company. Oh Boy.  No drill, just guard duty for the Co. and yours truly does nothing.  Being supply sergeant has some advantages.

Page 6Nov. 30:  Still at the oil fields. Mother & Mil8 have been to see me, and we visited many places of interest. Mother has enjoyed herself here and in Galveston. They are now home and we will soon go back to Camp Logan.

Dec. 15:  Logan again. The Co drills and I sleep. Some army this, but when I work I work. Just finished a 48 hr shift. The supply sergeants life is not all roses. The boys must have clothes.

Dec. 25:  Xmas day. Hot and nothing to do.  Plenty of mail and packages.  Plenty to eat.  But where do we go from here?
