The Diary of John William Nelson

We Are Going Home

Nelson Diary Page 28January 1, 1919: A year ago today Bert Howard and I had our last good meal together. Good old Bert.

Jan 9: Left Stenay France this A.M. and arrived in Greisch, Lux.1 at 7:30 P.M. Cold and wet, hungry and tired.

Jan. 10: Nothing to do here but rest and eat, so we are going to all the roadhouses eating and drinking. Having a wonderful time.

Feb. 7: Moved to Sand Lux2 today. We are living with the Bochens. They have a lot of daughters. We are going to have some time here.

Feb. 15: Wilkerson and I have been doing this country on foot and we have seen it. We know all the cafe owners by their first name and they know us all right. A Franc spent here makes you known.

Nelson Diary Page 29March 3: This is the Luxemburg Mardi Gras and we had to help celebrate. Too bad the girls are not more beautiful. Maybe it is good they are not. I am going along fine.

March 20: To Lux City to see horse show. That is not all we saw. Saw everything in town. Some wonderful looking girls here.

April 2: Sick with grippe3. There is still a lot to do and see so I can’t stay sick long.

April 19: Guess I can go out today, but a little weak. But I must go out. Where is the nearest cafe?

April 22: Review by Gen. Pershing and Sec. of War Baker at Ettlebrook4.

April 30: We are going home. Good bye old world, good bye. Back to the States for us. Hate to leave Lux tho. We sure had some time here. Maybe we can come again. Left Sanel5 at 3 P.M. and arrived in Mersch at 4.

Boarded box cars and now we are off for Brest where we arrived May 4.
